corporate logo, product logo a. service logo Intelligent Core / Intelligent Core & More computer scientist industrial electronics technician C. Kaltenbach - Freiburg, Waldkirch, Germany

Intelligent Core® & More C. Kaltenbach
Talstr. 26
79183 Waldkirch, Germany

                                                                 "the spirit is, which moves" "which moves, the spirit is"

Intelligent Core
Data Processing, Signal Processing, Speech Processing and Image Processing
as well as
Technical/Operational  Systems and Components

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Computer scientist industrial electronics technician C. Kaltenbach - Visionary of intelligent core! - Owner, managing director of intelligent core / intelligent core & more!

Intelligent Core
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With friendly recommendation

Clemens Kaltenbach /
Intelligent Core
Intelligent Core Policy

well identified, well recognized

                         ØØØ Your Policy   ×××

Ø    Intelligent Core Wünsche (dt.) / Intelligent Core Wishes (engl.)

Intelligent Core / Clemens Kaltenbach wünscht allen mit ganzem Geiste, von ganzem Herzen Intelligent Core Demokratie - Intelligent Core Frieden, Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit ... - überall auf der ganzen Welt, wo alle Menschen und die Natur im Vordergrund stehen - sachlich und gefühlvoll - und das Kapital in den Hintergrund tritt!!!

Intelligent Core / Clemens Kaltenbach wishes you all with whole spirit, from whole heart Intelligent Core Democracy - Intelligent Core Peace, Freedom, Justice ... - everywhere on the whole world, where all peoples and the nature stayes in foreground - objective and sensitive - whereby the capital steps down!!!

"das Geist ist, das bewegt" (dt.)                                        "the spirit is, which moves" (engl.)
"das bewegt, das Geist ist" (dt.)                                        "which moves, the spirit is" (engl.)

Aphorismus,  Aphorism translation Clemens Kaltenbach                                                     

Ø    Spain Taken the street for a TRUE DEMOCRACY - May 15th 2011 -

Ø    Grundeinkommen - ein Kulturimpuls

Ø    National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden:
        'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things' – video

Ø    ...

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Copyright © Intelligent Core, Intelligent Core Kaltenbach, Clemens Kaltenbach. All rights reserved.